Jacob Smith - Wabi - Sabi (World Piano Day Composition) from Rexton Film & Audio on Vimeo.
'This film is a portrait of a piano. Like many pianos it has wear and sits unplayed. The keys stick, the hammers and pedals clunk and the strings are out of tune. Yet the music remains. This unique old instrument has beauty in its imperfections.' - Jacob Smith
Released on World Piano Day a couple of weeks ago, we were introduced to Jacob Smith's composition 'Wabi-Sabi', filmed in a remote location in West Somerset. The sentiment and concept of this film is honest and confident - and moving. A beautiful job. Looking forward to the next one already.
Listen to more of Jacob Smith's compositions and scores for film, tv and commercials - as well as more personal work - on his website: http://www.jacobsmithmusic.com/
Filmed for World Piano Day in Watchet Sur la Mer
Filmed & Edited by Jesse Roth