London Collections: Men kicked off this weekend with four days of fashion curated for men. From well known, established brand names such as Tom Ford and Burberry (who also showed lace ties this season) to the more niche and highly reputable such as Craig Green and Lou Dalton – the shows are the first glance of what is to come in men’s fashion for Spring / Summer 2016. One of our favourite designers redefining formality this season was Matthew Miller and we were super happy to collaborate with Matthew by making the neckties for his show. We were given creased, wrinkled nylons and cotton blend fabrics in neutral stone shade to work with – varying from sheer drapey linings to cloth so stiff that a pin can hardly pass through without braking. We loved the challenge and our Kent based factory embraced it fully. The results are refined, modern and typical of Matthew Miller but with the Marwood principles of utilising authentic, traditional making processes to offer a modern alternative to traditional accessories.